American Samaritans Charitable Organization
Repairing unhealthy - inadequate homes of Elderly, Disabled, Veterans, Sick and Impoverished families and individuals.

“I tell you the truth, when you do it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!”

– Christ Jesus

Approximately 17% of our neighbors are living in Inadequate or Unhealthy Homes, lacking that which most of us take for granted – running hot or cold water, heating, electricity, working smoke or CO2 detectors, free of rodents, water leaks, poor air quality, mold or radon.

‘American Samaritans Charitable Organization’ is hear to repair the homes of the Elderly, Disabled, Veterans, Ailing and Impoverished ― who are physically and or financially unable to do so themselves.

Healthy homes are essential for a healthy community: integral for meeting physical, psychological, and social health needs (e.g. air, water, food and shelter). Housing is typically the single greatest expenditure for a family. Safe housing protects families from being exposed to environmental hazards such as dangerous weather, chemicals and allergens ― necessary for preventing unwanted injuries. Healthy housing supports children throughout all stages of childhood: promoting health and safety, in conjunction with strengthening mental and emotional health. In contrast, unhealthy housing contributes to infectious chronic diseases, injuries and ― perhaps worst of all ― adversely affecting a child’s development.

Only approximately 10 percent of all U.S. homes are aging ready. By far the most common unmet need occurs in households with older adults who report serious difficulty walking; these houses lack handrails or grab bars for support. While unmet housing needs pose challenges for older adults, this becomes especially problematic due to the abundance of economically disadvantaged elderly households. An aging population has relatively few resources for home renovations.

 The wonderful service accomplishments of American Samaritans Charitable Organization are only possible with your express contributions. And that is why we are counting on your charitable contributions to continue our services repairing the homes of those in need.

Help Us Help Our Fellow Brothers and Sisters in need by Giving

American Samaritans Charitable Organization is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charity registered in the US under EIN: 85-3896358.

American Samaritans

Here are just a few portraits of our brother’s & sister’s homes being repaired by your generous donations.